What is the Abbie Hunt Bryce Home?

One of the most common questions Morning Light gets asked is, “What is the Abbie Hunt Bryce Home?”.  It’s a good question.  There are only seven other Homes like ours across the country, so it’s unique to say the least. 252

The Abbie Hunt Bryce Home provides free care and living arrangements for homeless or low-income hospice patients, 24 hours a day and seven days a week.  That’s right. This service is provided around the clock for some of Indianapolis’ most vulnerable citizens with no cost to them or their families.

076This Home is unique in the fact that it truly is a home.  The staff provides three hot meals a day with a dining room table for fellowship and enjoyment.  There are comfy pieces of furniture all around the home for residents to relax and enjoy themselves.  There is a beautiful garden and patios so residents can enjoy the outside. It smells like a home, not like a medical facility.

Those of us who are lucky enough to have a home may take for granted that we have our own space to live in.  The residents of the Home express how thankful they are to have their own room, and to be able to decorate it how they please.  It really puts things into perspective.

The Home is funded by the generosity of others, so please think about donating your time, talents and treasures. The Home is always looking for donations of daily living supplies as well as monetary donations.

Reach out if you’re interested in helping in some capacity.  The residents thank you.